Whether Judge or a player, the following tools should prove useful for fantasy adventure gaming.
Brave web browser
Brave is similar to Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, now with built-in security and privacy. Works with all Chrome plugins as the core engine is Chromium. Feels like using the internet back in better days.
Notepad++ example usageThe simplicity of the classic Notepad application, now supporting multiple open files through tabs, automatic backup and recovery, improved search, and much more for advanced users.
All the basic features of Adobe Photoshop offered for free.
Sumatra example usageThe best PDF reader by an extraordinary margin, being many times faster than Adobe along every metric. Open an unlimited number of PDFs instantly and scroll anywhere in the document instantly.
Feeder RSS
Free, functional RSS reader with a quality exceeding other paid options. Useful for keeping track of adventure gaming blogs.
Free tool for compressing or decompressing archives such as .zip, .rar, .7z very quickly.
Discord is a type of IRC program used through a web browser or Desktop app. Consider joining the general purpose Pedantic Gaming discord for adventure game discussion, or the Ransack Games discord.
Timestamps for Discord
This tool generates special timestamps that can be used with Discord, allowing each reader to see the time localized in their own timezone. Useful for scheduling games with players anywhere in the world.
Google docs & Google Sheets
Each offers equivalent functionality to Microsoft Word and Excel, now free and in the cloud. Easily share or collaborate with others. For anything you want to create & share be sure to click the 'Share' button in the upper right to set a desired access level. Typically, you want to share with 'anyone with the link' can view.
StackEdit example usageAn online note-taking application that uses Markdown language. Otherwise, similar to Microsoft OneNote or Scrivener. Be sure to use the Workspace setting to automatically sync your files using Dropbox or Google Drive, allowing you to access and edit from any web browser on any computer.
An online solution to automatically synchronize files across multiple devices, such as a phone, tablet, and computer. Supports up to 2 GB of files and up to 3 devices in free mode.
Image Extractor for PDF
Exacts all images from a PDF file. Useful for extracting dungeon maps for VTT use.
AnyDice example usageSimulates many types of dice rolls, providing graphs and charts of expected probabilities.
donjon example usageHuge variety of tools for generating treasure, maps, or more for a variety of game systems including AD&D.
Randomly Distribute Numbers
Divide a number into a set of randomized parts, for example to spread 50,000gp across 100 rooms.
Power Thesaurus
Power Thesaurus example usageThe only thesaurus you will ever need.
Fantasy Name Generators
Fantasy Name Generator example usageName generation website with a huge number of generators.
Dungeon Scrawl
Dungeon Scrawl example usageFree tool for creating dungeon or hex maps. I do not recommend using the newer version just yet. I have recorded a How to Use Dungeon Scrawl V1 video on YouTube, with apologies for the poor quality.
Owlbear Rodeo
Owlbear example usageFree virtual tabletop with fog of war. Doesn't support Hexes, unfortunately.
Rollem Rocks
Rollem Rocks example usageDiscord bot for rolling dice. Greatly preferred in lieu of the never-fixed, incorrect Avrae.
What exactly is the use case for stackedit.io and notepad++ relative to Fantasy Adventure Gaming
ReplyDeleteI've gone ahead and updated the post with links to pictures demonstrating example usage. Notepad++ is simply a good way to take quick notes or temporary notes while ensuring they do not get lost. StackEdit helps me synchronize notes across any computer or device and keep them organized; as a player I have used it to keep track of character information, as a Judge there are of course many uses. Markdown is lightweight, so it is unobtrusive in StackEdit if you don't want to use it, and if you do use it you can take pictures of the output for sharing in Discord or similar.
DeleteInteresting, thank you. I use notepad++ for coooding related applications so its applications in being a huge Fantasy Adventure Gamer did not come to the forefront of my mind. I just used libreoffice shit for that.
DeleteI am always shocked at the amount of people who surf the web without adblockers in any capacity. I have no idea why IT departments worldwide don't encourage the use of brave to help save the technologically inept.